To send a donation

If you would like to donate to this mission, please write your check to:

NNUMC-Gods Face Haiti and mail to:

North Naples UMC-Gods Face Mission
6000 Goodlette Rd.
Naples, FL 34109

All deductions are fully 501(c)3 tax deductible

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pastor Agones visit in July

Pastor Agones presented Jamie Baker of the Village School with a hand carved Haiti globe during his visit here in July. He was very thankful for all the Village School has done for his school in Baie de Tortue, La Gonave, Haiti. At the end of this school year, the school donated all of their used uniforms for Pastor Agones's children in Haiti. The initial donation of uniforms a year and a half ago allowed an additional 50 children to attend school who were unable to attend due to lack of clothing. Pastor Agones spent a Sunday with Estero Methodist Church, speaking at all three of their services, and being hosted for lunch and dinner. Three members of Estero UMC, Debra Haley, Carol Hadley and Margie Campbell traveled to Haiti to visit Pastor Agones school in January. Pastor Agones told us that the building and property he uses now for school and church has been sold. He has a year, but then must move his school He personally purchased a piece of property next door, and hopes to be able to raise funds to build a school and church there. There are 80 children attending, who otherwise would be at home, unable to attend school. He has been a true blessing to this community. We are looking for people to partner with us to turn this dream into a reality. Please pray for this ministry that is making such a huge difference in the lives of some of the poorest people in Haiti.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Uniforms for the Village School East!

Ginger Sauter and the Village School of North Naples UMC have donated all of their used uniforms to our Haiti mission to send to Pastor Agones in Baie de Tortue. What a blessing as this will give the children more than one set of school clothing. Thank you Village School!!!! Pastor Joseph of the Church of God will be loading another container this month so we will be able to ship the uniforms over with him. He will make sure they go to La Gonave for Pastor Agones. Pastor Agones is arriving here tomorrow, July 6th, for a five day visit. He will then travel on to New York where he is hoping to obtain some Rotary support to help with a school building. God is working in wonderful ways. Many hands together accomplish many things.