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NNUMC-Gods Face Haiti and mail to:

North Naples UMC-Gods Face Mission
6000 Goodlette Rd.
Naples, FL 34109

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Memorable Moment

     In November, we spent three days in Ti Palmeste meeting with pastors, community leaders and the ladies of the area churches.   We did not have a vehicle available to us, so we walked the couple miles to the church from the Guest House every morning, and then back home.  The last day there we attended an evening church service.  Pastor Ambroz kindly found a truck to take us back at night.  However, the ride was so rough over the rocky, potholed road,  we decided walking would be better.  Imagine our surprise on leaving the service about 10:00 o'clock to be directed to a fleet of six motorcycles all lined up with drivers and engines revving, waiting for us.  "Pick one." Pastor Ambroz told us.  Janice looked at me.  "Can we go together?"  I replied that we were all on our own.   So we selected our steel steeds, and  Janice, David, Ed, Floyd, Aunel and I dutifully climbed aboard for a wild ride down the rocks and bumps that pass for roads in the mountains of La Gonave.  As the young men raced each other, kids, dogs and chickens all scattered out of the way.
     Peter stepped out of a boat because he trusted Jesus.   Sometimes the boat is a motorcycle, but the trust we have in God is the same.  When God sends you, He supplies you with all you need for the journey.  While I prayed through the dark, His peace enfolded me and brought us all safely home.
-Sally Ritter  January 6, 2011