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NNUMC-Gods Face Haiti and mail to:

North Naples UMC-Gods Face Mission
6000 Goodlette Rd.
Naples, FL 34109

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Team gets ready for March 10th to 17th trip to LaGonave

Well, it is that time again. Time to try to stuff ten bags of stuff into eight bags. Just when it all looks perfect, I think of something else to add! AARGH! I have to stop thinking!

In the pile of stuff that used to be a bedroom, are 80 tennis balls, 10 frisbees, jumpropes, 4 soccer balls, coloring pages, crayons, candy, costumes for plays, beads, and stuffed animals. Add to that toiletries, sheets for water purification, first aid supplies, program materials, books, Bibles, Bible studies and Evangecubes.

One day will be spent with the kids at "Village School East". We will share with them the book made by the 4th and 5th graders of North Naples UMC. The plan is to make a sketch book with a page for as many children as we can,( there are 80!) including a tracing of their hand, a picture and something about them. This way our kids here can write to a specific child.

On Friday, we will host a group from Les Enfants Orphanage in Ansagale at the Wesleyan Complex where we will be staying. They are in a city building with no play area. The conditions are very overcrowded. This will be a day to run and play outside, have Bible stories and CAKE!

Monday is the day we will visit with the Church of the New Jerusalem up the mountain in Ti Palmeste. we have heard that the goat farm is finished! Complete with cistern and goat shed! Can't wait to see it.

Wednesday to Friday mornings will be spent teaching CHE (community, Health, evangelism) and working with the first group of micro businesses we are sponsoring.
Other afternoons will be spent meeting with the church council and newly formed community council to address problems with water and sanitation, and other community issues.

I will be sure to post updates as soon as we return! Prayers are welcome! We are traveling to the island by 1st century wooden sailboat, and that is always an adventure! I always expect to see Jesus on board.

Submitted by
Sally Ritter
Team: Terry Hand, Rika Lively, Ed Ritter and Sally Ritter

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