To send a donation

If you would like to donate to this mission, please write your check to:

NNUMC-Gods Face Haiti and mail to:

North Naples UMC-Gods Face Mission
6000 Goodlette Rd.
Naples, FL 34109

All deductions are fully 501(c)3 tax deductible

EMAIL us at

Friday, November 19, 2010

We have a dream!

Aunel Bellany, one of our partners, has family owned property adjacent  to the New Jerusalem Church in Ti Palmiste.  This land already produces some crops, but can produce a lot more.  The idea is to plant and harvest peanuts, a common crop on La Gonave, sold raw, but made into many products including manba (peanut butter)  There will be a secure  area so the peanuts can be stored until a later date.  All of the crops mature at the same time, and prices are very low at harvest.  By waiting to sell, the price will be higher, and this profit will be used to start the school in the  church, a need expressed by the congregation.  They want their children educated, but they want a Christian school.  They understand the importance of God in their children's lives.  This is what community building is all about!

This is exciting to see business and agriculture flourish.  Sometimes just a small bit of help is needed to get micro businesses off the ground.  But what a difference to the lives of those working these businesses!

If you would like to help sponsor this project, we would love to hear from you! Please email Ed Ritter at

Your tax exempt donation may be sent to:  
Haiti Mission/Peanut Project, 
North Naples United Methodist Church, 
6000 Goodlette Rd., Naples, FL  34108. 

We feel this is the best way to help the people of Haiti, to enable them to become self sufficient.  They are eager for an opportunity and they know the future is in educating  the children, and the future is in God.  Amen!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This is going to be an Awesome Trip!

The "D's" of the Devil are piling up!.  First the concern over unrest that may occur the week before the election, then the cholera outbreak that is spreading so wildly.  Then hearing that three cases were reported on La Gonave.  Praise God they are isolated to the hospital in Ansagale.

The devil is working on us.  Doubts about timing of the trip, Discouragement over the situation,  possible Delay (postpone the trip?), Diversion (the weather is nice, great for sailing!)BUT, we will not give in to the last "D: which is Defeat.  Praying every step of the way we have peace in our hearts about this trip. The leadership training, the Safe Water training, the Bible study are all so needed.

The devil=FEAR but GOD=PEACE!!!!!!

If God is with us, who can be against us?